
Showing posts from May, 2017

Getting to know myself.

If someone ever says they know themselves, truly and wholly, I would not believe them. I learn new things about myself everyday. Some things I think I have known for a while, but I have never truly realized their depth. I have never realized that animals are a legitimate addiction, even though I have known it for years. My latest "these will be the last ones!" other than the fish, which tend to be okay since they don't add too much work. I never realized that whenever I ask for a new pet, I always, always, say, "After this, I will not ask for more. My collection will be complete." I realized that today when I asked Dad if I could get this little creature instead of a coldwater tank: "Please, Daddy! If I still want it by the time it is my birthday, can't I have it instead of my coldwater tank? I could empty all the water out, and it wouldn't take much care." What Dad said next went something like this: "It is not a...