It is almost Christmas, as in only four more days until, and as most people experience around this time, I am quite busy trying to get presents bought/made for my family. Apart from the snow flurries a few days ago, it feels quite warm, and although I would normally love it, it is always nice to have some snow in the winter. I actually remember a few years ago, we were getting off for summer break at my homeschool co-op, and while we were having a party inside, it snowed two feet. When we were getting off for the SUMMER. Anyways, I am excited and a bit stressed about Christmas. The rats have been "helping" wrap things, as in running through empty cardboard tubes, trying to play hide and seek. I have been making hammocks, although sadly, I did not get an etsy account, or I would be selling them. My rats like their full size cube hammock the most, and sleep under, in, and on top of it. They are disappointed I am washing all their fleece right now, but they can just deal with it. Today is my last day of school, and I am very excited about the break. We are frosting our Christmas cake today, and I will be making gingerbread houses, as well. Well, that pretty much sums it up! Here are some pictures.
Onyx, being cute. |
Hot chocolate in my giant mug. |
Homemade chocolate. |
A monarch butterfly on Mom's hand. |
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