Well, today was really fun. We went to church, yes it was still going on, had potluck afterwards, and then went sledding. For about five hours. It was awesome! We built a ramp, went off it several times, crashed several times, the whole time laughing our heads off. Our friend brought a snow board, and let some people try it out, which was very entertaining. Mostly it was my best friend's little brothers who got the hang of it pretty quickly. In fact, her most committed brother made it all the way down standing up one time. I did not want to embarrass myself, so I refrained from trying it out. Sledding was just fine with me! Anyways, our friends taught their friends from another country who had never sledded before, and they loved it! We brought our dog, Zoe, who wore herself out by running up and down the hill, getting in everyone's way. This snow may take care of my winter craving for a while, although one more deep snow would be nice before spring. I will now let you enjoy some pictures, although I sadly did not get any of sledding today.
Picturesque snow on our bird feeder. |
Pretty snow in the backyard. |
Duck foot prints in the snow. |
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