
I always have goals. I try and reach them, but in all honesty, that's a rare occasion. It's not that I don't want to keep my cages clean, I just get distracted. It's not that I am not willing to put the work in to get fit, it's just, well, I get distracted, I am not consistent, or an event comes up that prevents me from doing my workout or eating well. I have never really had a real new year's resolution, but this year that is going to change. One 'resolution' or goal has been to get back to my vegan diet. I don't understand why people wait until new year to make resolutions; it makes sense to maybe come up with things to change for the new year, but if you want to change something about yourself, don't wait! Do it. That's what I did with going vegan. I didn't prepare days ahead, I just decided one day, hey, I have beans and rice and quinoa, that means I can get complete protein, I still have dairy free shakes, I can do this, and I did it. I didn't even start that morning out vegan, and that is something that I see people do a lot is say, "hey, I haven't been 'blank' today anyways, better wait until tomorrow". No. Stop. Get to it! Perform your goal, don't procrastinate. Also, even if you fail at your resolutions, keep trying to fulfill them. If you are trying to quit smoking, just because you smoke once does not mean you should give up! Keep at it!

Anyways, enough telling you what not to do, on to my resolutions.
1. Stay consistent with being vegan. Don't eat chocolate with dairy, bread with eggs, and just eat more veggies. This is something I struggle with. I love milk chocolate, and finding vegan, gluten free bread is super hard, so I just need to start making my own or not eat it.
2. Stop focusing on weight. I am working out like crazy, well, crazy compared to what my standard has been with my bad joints for the past few years. I have lost ten pounds since going vegan, and I am not super heavily built, but I do want leaner muscle. I need to stop focusing on the number on the scale; that doesn't matter. What matters is: am I eating enough? do I feel good? am I keeping muscle mass? It's not a how I look kind of thing, and I make it that too much. I need to get healthy, not skinny.
3. Read a devotional and/or Bible passage every day. I read a Bible verse every day already, but I have really been enjoying my devotionals lately, as well as longer passages. I really want to start going through a book. Probably going to read through Romans again.
4. Get into yoga and pilates. I loooove both these things, but I have never consistently done them, so I am going to start going to our local yoga collective.
5. Take time to rest. Don't fill every night. This is going to be the hardest for me, because, well, I am a social butterfly and love hanging out with people, and I can't stand saying no to someone when they ask me over.
6. Get my band together. Not exactly a consistent band, but my best friend plays drums, my two best girlfriends play guitar, as do I (I got an electric guitar!!), and so that is enough to jam on a regular basis. I am hoping to put an album out soon :)
7. Stop overthinking things or worrying about what others think. My identity is in God. No matter what happens, that will not change. He is my only sure foundation, and if I have learned anything this year, it is certainly that.

I hope you all have a blessed new year. Go make the changes you want and stick to them :)
Much love and God bless,


  1. I love this, Amelia! I totally agree with everything you said in the first part - if you want to make a goal, why wait until the new year to start?! Just do it! I have been thinking about exactly that, in fact, and that's why I don't set "New Year's resolutions," I just set goals, whenever I need to. Your resolutions sound great! Hope you achieve them. :)

    1. Exactly haha :) i started 3 of the 5 resolutions early haha :P yeah i do too! i am trying to change more habits than reach goals this year haha :)


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