hello 2019 :)

new year, same me, new plans.
get healthier (ditch those processed sugars and gluten)
workout more
hike weekly
stop using plastic bags
stop using plastic toothbrushes
clear my acne
go on as many roadtrips as possible
go surfing as much as possible
get to a surfboard half the size of the board i first rode (original was about 10 ft. 6 inches, board i want to ride will be 5 ft. 3 inches)
go camping
hike part of the appalachian trail
go backpacking
grow as many plants as possible
make a few youtube videos
swim with sharks
swim with dolphins
get a six pack
do a one minute hand stand
run a 5k
participate in a triathalon
host a party
go to a party
drop an album
write a ton of music
save as much of my money as possible
stop neglecting this blog
pray more
journal more
get closer to God
read more books
pray more
journal more
get closer to God
read more books
pray more
journal more
get closer to God
read more books

some goals for 2019. it's going to be a great year


  1. Wow, now I feel lazy lol
    Best of luck to ya!

    p.s. I like the way the blog looks! I have read emails but haven't actually been on the blog since you changed it.

    1. Haha i can assure you, i will not get all of these done, i just like to set high goals :)

      Oh thank you! I have been trying to get my graphics looking snazzier :)


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