A final adieu (new beginnings?)

 Hi friends, folks, and family! I have not written here in years, and wanted to give a final goodbye to this space along with an update about my life. 

Work: The Endless Toil

I am currently working full time on a local farm, Den Hill Permaculture, growing gourmet mushrooms and organic vegetables. It is the most tiring, painful, and fulfilling job I have ever had. I never want to stop growing food. I have come to the conclusion that every human should work on a farm at some point, it's an important part of feeling like a real person and not so much of a cog in the system, and being outside is one of the nicest things about being alive. I love my job so much. 

Mushrooms are a very important part of my life, a constant reminder of the life in the cycle of death, our interconnectedness, and on a purely taste level, a reminder to enjoy tasty food. This is the learning experience about working here which I am most thankful for, I am obtaining skills I will use for the rest of my life with the most hopeful family of life on this planet for helping our earth's and our health. 

My other work right now is my small tie dye business, Sungold Tie Dyes, which has been taking off quite well and a little unexpectedly. One day this will be my main source of income. I have vended a few festivals and will be attending a fair this weekend that I am hopeful will go well. If you want to order a tie dye from me, my instagram, sungoldtiedyes, is the best place to reach me. 

I'm not planning on posting here again, but if you want to keep up with my life, follow my instragram or facebook (both are Amelia Empson) and I would love to say hi. I have a CD/album out (you can stream it, album is "Wonder What Wonder" on all streaming platforms!) available for purchase in my instagram bio link. Anyways, I felt the desire to post here tonight and I am happy I did. I miss this little blog, but it's so fun to see and look back on how I've grown from my young self to now. 


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