A Busy, Exhausting, Incredible Week

       This week was a busy, exhausting, incredible week. I was able to go to Bethel Bible camp, which is one of the most amazing Christian camps on the planet, where you memorize verses, learn new skills, and learn to evangelize. It has awesome grounds, too, and I learned a lot in air rifles and archery. I learned that I don't have to make myself bold, but that the holy spirit will give me courage to go share the gospel. Our speakers this year were the Kings, who are some very nice people who go to a lot of places to share the gospel, and they have even gone to where people suspect Jesus was buried. Mr. King was in the military as a medic, and has some great stories of death bed redemption. The camp director is Mr. Shelor, who can be really funny or really stern, so much so that he has been called Mr.Stern Man. He has actually signed shirts with that name, but he has a great sense of humor. I learned a lot of things about evangelizing people, and am better prepared for approaching people with the gospel. I hope to put all the information I have learned to work sometime soon. Over all, it was a great week and I can't wait for next year, and my sister went to a mime camp while I was at Bethel, which I hope to go to next year as well. Well, thank you for reading my blog and stopping by!


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