Okay guys, trying to add a video is hard on blogger. It involves editing skills which, sadly, I do not possess. After a very frustrating half hour, I was thoroughly exhausted with anything technical, and barely had the bandwidth to do anything on the computer. Thankfully, google+ is very generous on how long your videos can be. So, if you want to see me jump, check out my google plus account. But, I can still post pictures. Actually, today was kind of exciting because I jumped my first vertical jump, which was fun. Sadly, one of our young roosters got eaten by a hawk. R.I.P. Bandy. We loved you, and I hope you find the compost pile in heaven! Anyways, horses. I love em, and I just cannot get enough of them. So, I get to groom Chessie on Friday, which should be fun, and also get some new duck hens, which will probably be called Bella and Daisy. And, Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and a pumpkin pie is in the oven right now, smelling delicious! I am very excited, and hope to not get too full, because we have pumpkin, sweet potato, and chocolate pie for tomorrow. Ok, back to horses. I thought you should see some pictures of horses, so I kindly took some for you all. Here they are!
Chester in the stall. |
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