Trying to Write 7 Posts Before Tomorrow...

Hi guys, as you probably have heard, tomorrow is my one year blog anniversary. I read that on my evil twin sister's post, although that was as far as I got before she distracted me with another scheme of raising our roosters for meat, which got into a very heated argument which ended in us eating hash browns from the garden potatoes. I have want to write seven posts, including this one, today so I can write my 50th post tomorrow, on the actual anniversary. I will hopefully not have to do very many lengthy ones, mostly just picture posts, which should be fun. I am trying to see if I can make a one year anniversary cupcake and decorate for tomorrow. We shall see. So, if you want to stay tuned, I will be writing A LOT of posts today. Grab a cup of tea, or coffee, or hot cocoa, whatever you want, and join me as I try to write/post like crazy! See you tomorrow!


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