Updates on Life

     Hi people, well, the rats have grown, the new ducks are being a bit more social, and it is almost Christmas! Yes, I have more pictures of the rats, and I have some pictures of the new ducks, as well. And, even some of the Christmas tree! I actually have a lot of things to say right now. One is that I have successfully litter trained one of my rats, and maybe another. Still working on Pearl, but Ruby is fully litter trained, and actually went out of her cubby where she loves hang out to use the litter box. I am one proud mama. It took less than a week, and she was not really thrilled with the box at first, unlike Onyx. Onyx, as soon as I put the box in, jumped in and tried the litter, to see if it was edible. It apparently was not, and she spat it out with disgust. She still likes it, and she has used it a few times, but not consistently. I have also lined the cage with fleece and they really like the soft fabric on top of the cold, hard wires. I have made sooooooooo many hammocks, I think over ten, and the rats love them, even though thet think that they should not be hung up, and will not go in them unless they are on the ground. Anyways, I have also started drawing mandalas, which are really cool pattern drawings. I have a few pyramid hamster hammocks for sale, they are very small, though, and they come in a light pink/ dark pink, and a red/grey pyramid hammock. $3 each, and if you want, I can make cube hammocks the same size for $4. Ok, enough with the talk, on to pictures.

The litter box.

A lotus mandala I drew.

Side view of the cage. The bottom floor is red fleece, the shelf is pink.

The rat's food mix.
Daisy the duck is at the top right.

Top view of  a corner.

Top view of the whole cage.
A pink fleece lined shelf. 
Top view of the cube hammock.


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