Twas The Night Before....

      Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. That is quite a feat, for this house! I thought, in  celebration of this being my 20th post and it being Christmas eve, I should give you an updated pets list. Enjoy!

The Menagerie Part (updated)


Fishy, our goldfish
Colin, our twintail goldfish
Starbuck & Blaze, our two koi, which I think are male and female
Shadowflag, My very first betta fish
Arthur & Gwenny, my male and female betta fish
Jerry, my African dwarf frog


Zoe, our almost 10 year old black lab
Ruby, My ruby eyed, champagne hooded pet rat
Pearl, My black hooded rat with a speckled back, and a white star on her forehead
Onyx, My tuxedo pet rat, all black except for her feet and stomach, which are all black


Runner, our oldest duck
Leroy, one of our duck hens
Dragon, another duck hen
Taru, our drake
Illya, one of our new duck hens
Daisy, our other new duck hen
M&M, our oldest rooster
Emily, our misnamed, home hatched rooster
Mama hen, one of our two original hens
Frisky, our other original hen
Jenna, our only full sized hen
Sugar, one of our home hatched hens
Sunflower, our other home hatched hen
Hazel, a home hatched rooster
Crackerjack, another home hatched rooster

In memory of

Vermicelli, our old rat, who passed away in August
Pepita, our hen, who was attacked by a hawk last week
And Bandy, our rooster, who was also attacked by a hawk the day before Thanksgiving

Hope you enjoyed that, and have a very Merry Christmas!
Red berries.


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