Another Post is Due....

      So here it is! I am sorry I have kind of put this off, but I have been very busy lately. I have been reading, writing, cooking, farming, and many other things. I have started to write a book, and that is going very well so far, and I hope to talk about it more in another post. I have been cooking and baking, the most recent being chocolate mousse and tiramisu. I have been farming, and the latest big but sad news on that is that Ferris, my beautiful male quail, got killed by something. His ladies, Ophelia and Athena, are doing well, though they have stopped laying. I have finally signed up for Classical Conversations, which is my local homeschool co-op, and I am going into tenth grade level, although I still have to do some ninth grade things during the year. I am the only girl out of four students, but I know all the guys, so it should be fun. Katie is still being a very crazy puppy, but we figured out some new ways to help tire her out. Right now, she is laying down at my feet. Thea, Mom, and I all went berry picking this morning and came back with a gallon of blueberries and a pint of raspberries. We had some friends visit yesterday, which was really fun, and then we went to a youth group picnic to welcome some other friends home from living in California for a year. I would love to write more, and I think I will later this week. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, I love tiramisu! What kind of book are you writing??

    Oh, man! Sorry your quail died.:( was that your only male?

    1. I love tiramisu too! My book is about a girl who has to overcome some things she feels to survive, and is an add on to the hunger games, although no killing of people is involved. Yes, it it was my only male.

  2. Cool!

    Oh, Sorry. Maybe I could send you some eggs sometime.

    1. I would love that! I think I might just buy an adult male and two females, though. I am not very good at incubating.

    2. XD, I've heard of bantams hatching out quail. IDK how that would go. BYC or YouTube would probably know.

    3. Oh, there is an awesome youtube channel you would like called pavlovafowl who raises quail naturally with bantam hens. She figured out how to free range quail, as well. She raises chickens, too, so you should go check that out. If I had a broody bantam, I would love to try and hatch some quail eggs with her! I will let you know when I have one so I can order some eggs from you :)

    4. Ok, Thanks I'll check it out!

      Ok, don't count on it though, I'm still not sure if the quail will lay long or what not. Also I may be saving eggs for incubation. And I've never shipped anything(other than letters) before, much less eggs.

      If I can I'll try though.

    5. Okay, cool! I can send you duck eggs sometime if you want :)

    6. Ok, I'll let you know. Might be several months. Probably next spring. :/


    7. Okay, that's when they will be fertile!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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