I am almost done with my challenge! Tomorrow is my last day. The snow is starting to melt, resulting in tons of gigantic icicles. The ducks are trying to catch drips out of the gutter, and they are quite happy to have some bare ground on which to stand. The chickens are still a bit wary of the snow, but they will come out and stay out now. No more eggs from the chickens, but I am hoping for some soon. Fingers crossed! I have a very small scale duck egg business at the moment, which has been going very well. I am hoping to expand our coop and flock at some point. I am getting back into a schedule with school and getting up a bit earlier. I'm really excited about our fig tree, which is putting out some baby figs right now. I hope that you enjoyed reading this! Thanks!
Emily inside awaiting the arrival of his new owner. Normally, he is outside.

Zoe at a nearby park.
A picture of me jumping over a small cross rail on Chessie.


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